Garage System! Resource

Garage System!

A guide to install Garage System! for FiveM

Table of contents
  1. Purchasing the resource
  2. Downloading the resource
  3. Installing the resource
  4. Using Discord API?
  5. Want to add another garage or section?
  6. Want to add vehicles?
  7. Support

Purchasing the resource

Find this product at:


Downloading the resource

Download this resource via after purchasing it. It can take a few minutes for the resource to appear in keymaster after purchase.

Installing the resource

Note: Always make sure when you transfer files to your server you follow this order: (Otherwise you will experience parsing errors in F8 console.)

ZIP Package -> Unpack in a folder on your local machine -> drag from local machine into the server resources folder -> server.cfg (ensure script) and then boot up the server.
  1. Drag the resource into your resources folder.

  2. Ensure or start this resource in your server.cfg. Example:
    ensure night_garage_system
  3. Configure /config/config.lua.

Use the example below to understand the configuration of this resource!

  • Set the LocationVehicleShowcase coordinates and heading first, this will show the marker and/or label for the garages. This is also the point where the camera “looks” at.
  • Set the LocationVehicleCamPos coordinates somewhere close to the LocationVehicleShowcase coordinates. LocationVehicleCamPos is the coordinate where the vehicle will be showcased only for the player in vehicle preview.
  • Set the LocationVehicleSpawn coordinates where the vehicle should eventually spawn.

Using Discord API?

  • Set up the Discord API by following the included documentation.pdf file in the resource.
  • Match GarageRolePermissions & SectionRolePermissions role names (this config.lua) to the ones configured in config.lua (night_discordapi).
  • List the vehicles according to the given format. Only the people with the role can SPAWN the vehicles. They can see it regardless of the permission. The reason for having 2 permission variables is because some vehicles can be listed in the same section, but some sections and it’s vehicles are to be used by different roles. (Example: Police Officer & Sergeant)

Want to add another garage or section?

  • Compare Police Garage (GarageSections = ) to Ambulance garage (GarageSections). You can see police has 2 sections. Follow that format to add a section to a garage.
  • If you desire to add a whole garage somewhere. Use the same format, but in this case copy the whole garage code. You can look at how I added 3 garages as examples.

Want to add vehicles?

  • Simply add “yourvehicle”, in the given format under SectionVehicles of the garage you want to add it to. Don’t forget the comma!
    Garages = {
        --============= POLICE =============--
        [1] = { 
            LocationGarageName = "Police Garage",
            LocationVehicleSpawn = { -- This are the vector3 coordinates where the vehicle spawns after selecting it. Each number in front of the location belongs to the number of LocationVehicleShowcase & LocationVehicleCamPos
                [1] = {placeName = "Vinewood", location = vector3(542.6823, -7.0120, 70.6291), h = 120.1685}, -- This is the vector3 coordinate where the vehicle will be spawned.
                [2] = {placeName = "La Mesa", location = vector3(845.1868, -1352.6448, 26.0908), h = 251.7336},
                [3] = {placeName = "Davis", location = vector3(379.2017, -1629.4563, 29.3597), h = 321.3695},
                [4] = {placeName = "Sandy Shores", location = vector3(1868.0472, 3696.8479, 33.5569), h = 211.1474},
                [5] = {placeName = "Paleto Bay", location = vector3(-474.1487, 6029.7202, 31.3405), h = 225.1284},
                [6] = {placeName = "Vespucci", location = vector3(-1046.8610, -860.3850, 4.9104), h = 58.0969},
                [7] = {placeName = "Mission Row", location = vector3(427.7230, -1026.0115, 28.9796), h = 2.7687}, 
                [8] = {placeName = "Strawberry", location = vector3(-184.7943, -1277.5035, 31.2961), h = 87.0036},
                [9] = {placeName = "Mirror Park Blvd.", location = vector3(902.6295, -185.1338, 73.8612), h = 326.7079},
            LocationVehicleShowcase = {
                [1] = {placeName = "Vinewood", location = vector3(525.8678, -15.2088, 70.6291), h = 120.8356}, -- This is the vector3 coordinate where the vehicle will be showcased & where the marker/label will be.
                [2] = {placeName = "La Mesa", location = vector3(856.7996, -1342.6847, 26.0338), h = 90.5307}, 
                [3] = {placeName = "Davis", location = vector3(386.4638, -1620.2614, 29.2920), h = 141.0413},
                [4] = {placeName = "Sandy Shores", location = vector3(1878.1072, 3698.6636, 33.5419), h = 119.7542},
                [5] = {placeName = "Paleto Bay", location = vector3(-461.1360, 6041.3950, 31.3405), h = 134.9586},
                [6] = {placeName = "Vespucci", location = vector3(-1067.9523, -857.1057, 4.8675), h = 218.4547},
                [7] = {placeName = "Mission Row", location = vector3(442.1272, -1021.5523, 28.5648), h = 355.8047},
                [8] = {placeName = "Strawberry", location = vector3(-186.5710, -1270.8806, 31.2961), h = 176.3417},
                [9] = {placeName = "Mirror Park Blvd.", location = vector3(914.1877, -165.7542, 74.4072), h = 145.4921},
            LocationVehicleCamPos = {
                [1] = {placeName = "Vinewood", location = vector3(536.7128, -9.2368, 73.4540)}, -- This is the vector3 coordinate where the camera will point from towards the LocationVehicleShowcase vector3 coordinate.
                [2] = {placeName = "La Mesa", location = vector3(849.8001, -1342.8900, 27.0376)},
                [3] = {placeName = "Davis", location = vector3(392.0214, -1613.7670, 32.4920)},
                [4] = {placeName = "Sandy Shores", location = vector3(1868.6364, 3705.3872, 35.9419)},
                [5] = {placeName = "Paleto Bay", location = vector3(-467.0694, 6035.1470, 35.6405)},
                [6] = {placeName = "Vespucci", location = vector3(-1062.5822, -864.5756, 8.3175)},
                [7] = {placeName = "Mission Row", location = vector3(442.5437, -1013.6883, 30.4043)},
                [8] = {placeName = "Strawberry", location = vector3(-188.1397, -1282.8419, 36.0211)},
                [9] = {placeName = "Mirror Park Blvd.", location = vector3(923.8828, -169.0460, 78.4598)},
            BlipData = {    --
                BlipSpriteID = 50,
                BlipScale = 0.5,
                BlipColourID = 38,
            MarkerData = {
                markerId = 1,   --
                markerXOffset = 0.0, markerYOffset = 0.0, markerZOffset = -0.1,
                markerScaleX = 5.0, markerScaleY = 5.0, markerScaleZ = 0.2,
                markerRotX = 0, markerRotY = 0, markerRotZ = 0,
                markerRed = 0, markerGreen = 191, markerBlue = 255, markerAlpha = 225, 
            GarageRolePermissions = {
            GarageSections = {
                [1] = {
                    SectionName = "~b~Response fleet~w~",
                    SectionRolePermissions = {
                    SectionVehicles = {
                        [1] = {name = "Vauxhall Astra Estate", modelName = "rastram", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [2] = {name = "ford Focus 13", modelName = "rfocusm", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [3] = {name = "Ford Focus", modelName = "rfocusum", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [4] = {name = "Ford Transit", modelName = "rfordtransit", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0}, 
                        [5] = {name = "Vauxhall Insignia", modelName = "rinsignia", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [6] = {name = "Ford Kuga", modelName = "rkuga", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0}, 
                        [7] = {name = "Ford Ranger", modelName = "rrangerm", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0}, 
                        [8] = {name = "Peugeot 308", modelName = "r308m", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0}, 
                        [9] = {name = "Peugeot 208", modelName = "r208", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0}, 
                        [10] = {name = "Nissan Leaf", modelName = "rnissan", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0}, 
                        [11] = {name = "Peugeot 3081", modelName = "r3081", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0}, 
                        [12] = {name = "Peugeot 308 GTE", modelName = "r308gte", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0}, 
                        [13] = {name = "Kia Ceed", modelName = "rkiaceed", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0}, 
                        [14] = {name = "Ford Focus 20", modelName = "rfordfocus1", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0}, 
                [2] = {
                    SectionName = "~g~Traffic fleet~w~",
                    SectionRolePermissions = {
                    SectionVehicles = {
                        [1] = {name = "BMW 330D", modelName = "t330df31", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [2] = {name = "BMW 330D", modelName = "t330dg21", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [3] = {name = "BMW 530D", modelName = "t530df11", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [4] = {name = "Audi A4", modelName = "taudia4", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [5] = {name = "BMW X5 F15", modelName = "tx5f15", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [6] = {name = "BMW GO5", modelName = "tx5go5", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [7] = {name = "Skoda VRS", modelName = "tvrsum", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [8] = {name = "Volvo V60r", modelName = "tv60um", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [9] = {name = "Audi S5", modelName = "taudis5um", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [10] = {name = "BMW G20", modelName = "tg20um", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [11] = {name = "BMW 530", modelName = "t530um", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [12] = {name = "BMW GO5", modelName = "tx5go5um", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [13] = {name = "BMW M135i", modelName = "tbmw135i", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                [3] = {
                    SectionName = "~o~Dog Support Unit fleet~w~",
                    SectionRolePermissions = {
                    SectionVehicles = {
                        [1] = {name = "BMW 330D F11", modelName = "d330f11", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [2] = {name = "Skoda Karoq", modelName = "dkaroqum", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [3] = {name = "Skoda Superb", modelName = "dsuperb", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [4] = {name = "Skoda Octavia VRS", modelName = "dvrsm", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                [4] = {
                    SectionName = "~r~Armed Response fleet",
                    SectionRolePermissions = {
                    SectionVehicles = {
                        [1] = {name = "BMW GO5", modelName = "ago5", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [2] = {name = "Volkswagen Touareg", modelName = "atouareg", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [3] = {name = "BMW F15", modelName = "ax5f15", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [4] = {name = "BMW F15", modelName = "ax5f15um", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [5] = {name = "Volvo XC90", modelName = "axc90", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [6] = {name = "Volvo XC90", modelName = "axc90um", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [7] = {name = "Ford Ranger", modelName = "arangerum", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                [5] = {
                    SectionName = "~r~BTP fleet",
                    SectionRolePermissions = {
                    SectionVehicles = {
                        [1] = {name = "Vauxhall Astra", modelName = "btpastra", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [2] = {name = "Peugeot 308", modelName = "btp308", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [3] = {name = "Peugeot 3008", modelName = "btp3008", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [4] = {name = "Mercedes Vito", modelName = "btpvito", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [5] = {name = "Vauxhall Movano", modelName = "btpmovano", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [6] = {name = "Ford Ranger", modelName = "btpfordranger", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [7] = {name = "Volkswagen Caddy", modelName = "btpcaddy", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [8] = {name = "Ford Transit", modelName = "btpfordtransit", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [9] = {name = "Vauxhall Vivaro", modelName = "btpvivaro", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [10] = {name = "5008 DSU", modelName = "btp5008", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                [6] = {
                    SectionName = "~b~[PLATINUM] ~c~Demonstrator Vehicles~w~",
                    SectionRolePermissions = {  
                    SectionVehicles = {
                        [1] = {name = "Ford Mustang Mach-E", modelName = "demoemache", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [2] = {name = "Kia EV6", modelName = "demoev6", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0}, 
                        [3] = {name = "Tesla Demonstrator", modelName = "demoteslaum", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [4] = {name = "Mercedes 350e", modelName = "demoe350eum", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [5] = {name = "BMW X7", modelName = "demox7um", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [6] = {name = "Tacoma TRO", modelName = "demotac", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
        --============= AMBULANCE =============--
        [2] = {
            LocationGarageName = "Ambulance Garage",
            LocationVehicleSpawn = { -- This are the vector3 coordinates where the vehicle spawns after selecting it. Each number in front of the location belongs to the number of LocationVehicleShowcase & LocationVehicleCamPos
                [1] = {placeName = "Pillbox Hill", location = vector3(342.0863, -555.3351, 28.7441), h = 349.6882},      -- This is the vector3 coordinate where the vehicle will be spawned.
                [2] = {placeName = "Sandy Shores", location = vector3(1815.4824, 3651.8879, 34.2494), h = 210.2348},
                [3] = {placeName = "Ambulance Outpost", location = vector3(-1268.4178, -1367.1729, 4.2894), h = 291.7461},
                [4] = {placeName = "Paleto Bay", location = vector3(-275.1101, 6327.1802, 32.4262), h = 264.1999},
                [5] = {placeName = "Rockford Hills", location = vector3(-1443.6362, -272.5193, 46.5348), h = 224.9559},
            LocationVehicleShowcase = {
                [1] = {placeName = "Pillbox Hill", location = vector3(323.0045, -546.9155, 28.7440), h = 267.3977},    -- This is the vector3 coordinate where the vehicle will be showcased & where the marker/label will be.
                [2] = {placeName = "Sandy Shores", location = vector3(1812.6150, 3685.2234, 34.2243), h = 299.0269},
                [3] = {placeName = "Ambulance Outpost", location = vector3(-1271.0619, -1358.7224, 4.2992), h = 110.0995},
                [4] = {placeName = "Paleto Bay", location = vector3(-260.1001, 6341.8511, 32.4262), h = 132.3904},
                [5] = {placeName = "Rockford Hills", location = vector3(-1433.6296, -278.3912, 46.5376), h = 36.9392},
            LocationVehicleCamPos = {
                [1] = {placeName = "Pillbox Hill", location = vector3(332.4535, -547.0506, 31.8941)},                  -- This is the vector3 coordinate where the camera will point from towards the showcase vector3 coordinate.
                [2] = {placeName = "Sandy Shores", location = vector3(1803.8660, 3696.2415, 38.5844)},
                [3] = {placeName = "Ambulance Outpost", location = vector3(-1264.7205, -1356.4154, 7.7742)},
                [4] = {placeName = "Paleto Bay", location = vector3(-250.4684, 6351.7349, 36.4512)},
                [5] = {placeName = "Rockford Hills", location = vector3(-1423.6764, -289.6815, 50.1348)},
            BlipData = {
                BlipSpriteID = 50,
                BlipScale = 0.5,
                BlipColourID = 5,
            MarkerData = {
                markerId = 1,   --
                markerXOffset = 0.0, markerYOffset = 0.0, markerZOffset = -0.1,
                markerScaleX = 5.0, markerScaleY = 5.0, markerScaleZ = 0.5,
                markerRotX = 0, markerRotY = 0, markerRotZ = 0,
                markerRed = 255, markerGreen = 234, markerBlue = 0, markerAlpha = 225,
            GarageRolePermissions = {
            GarageSections = {
                [1] = {
                    SectionName = "~y~Ambulance~w~",
                    SectionRolePermissions = {
                    SectionVehicles = {
                        [1] = {name = "Fiat Ducato", modelName = "ambuducato", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [2] = {name = "Mercedes Sprinter", modelName = "Ambumercbox", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [3] = {name = "Ford Transit Ambulance", modelName = "fordambu", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [4] = {name = "Mam Box Ambulance", modelName = "ukamb", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [5] = {name = "Mam Box Ambulance", modelName = "ukamb2", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                [2] = {
                    SectionName = "~y~Rapid Response~w~",
                    SectionRolePermissions = {
                    SectionVehicles = {
                        [1] = {name = "Volkswagen Tiguan", modelName = "rrtiguan", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [2] = {name = "Ford Mustang Mach-E", modelName = "rrmach", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [3] = {name = "BWM i3", modelName = "rri3", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [4] = {name = "Skoda Octavia", modelName = "rroctaviaum", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                [3] = {
                    SectionName = "~y~HART~w~",
                    SectionRolePermissions = {
                    SectionVehicles = {
                        [1] = {name = "Mercedes Sprinter", modelName = "hartsprinter", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [2] = {name = "Iveco Daily", modelName = "hartiveco", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [3] = {name = "Mercedes Vito", modelName = "hartvito", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [4] = {name = "Volkswagen Transporter T6", modelName = "hartt6", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
        --============= FIRE =============--
        [3] = {
            LocationGarageName = "Fire Garage",
            LocationVehicleSpawn = { -- This are the vector3 coordinates where the vehicle spawns after selecting it. Each number in front of the location belongs to the number of LocationVehicleShowcase & LocationVehicleCamPos
                [1] = {placeName = "Chelmsford Headquarters", location = vector3(1193.7970, -1455.9656, 34.9582), h = 3.7696},      -- This is the vector3 coordinate where the vehicle will be spawned.
                [2] = {placeName = "Paleto Bay Headquarters", location = vector3(-372.4893, 6130.3457, 31.4781), h = 40.1826}, 
                [3] = {placeName = "Sandy Shores Headquarters", location = vector3(1696.6550, 3603.2100, 35.4038), h = 211.1039},
                [4] = {placeName = "Heathrow Airport Headquarters", location = vector3(-1063.9718, -2360.2219, 13.8556), h = 136.8438},
            LocationVehicleShowcase = {
                [1] = {placeName = "Chelmsford Headquarters", location = vector3(1201.1860, -1461.1323, 34.8237), h = 0.6208},    -- This is the vector3 coordinate where the vehicle will be showcased & where the marker/label will be.
                [2] = {placeName = "Paleto Bay Headquarters", location = vector3(-377.8229, 6131.4707, 31.4066), h = 38.6742},
                [3] = {placeName = "Sandy Shores Headquarters", location = vector3(1711.6394, 3595.4524, 35.4101), h = 300.7711},
                [4] = {placeName = "Heathrow Airport Headquarters", location = vector3(-1071.1481, -2340.9509, 13.8556), h = 146.9251},
            LocationVehicleCamPos = {
                [1] = {placeName = "Chelmsford Headquarters", location = vector3(1201.0289, -1450.1870, 39.8987)},                  -- This is the vector3 coordinate where the camera will point from towards the showcase vector3 coordinate.
                [2] = {placeName = "Paleto Bay Headquarters", location = vector3(-386.3939, 6141.5073, 35.2066)},
                [3] = {placeName = "Sandy Shores Headquarters", location = vector3(1724.9990, 3602.1538, 38.8601)},
                [4] = {placeName = "Heathrow Airport Headquarters", location = vector3(-1078.4937, -2353.8723, 15.5056)},
            BlipData = {
                BlipSpriteID = 50,
                BlipScale = 0.5,
                BlipColourID = 1,
            MarkerData = {
                markerId = 1,   --
                markerXOffset = 0.0, markerYOffset = 0.0, markerZOffset = -0.1,
                markerScaleX = 5.0, markerScaleY = 5.0, markerScaleZ = 0.5,
                markerRotX = 0, markerRotY = 0, markerRotZ = 0,
                markerRed = 178, markerGreen = 34, markerBlue = 34, markerAlpha = 225,
            GarageRolePermissions = {   -- Used only if Enable_discord_API = true.
            GarageSections = {
                [1] = {
                    SectionName = "~r~Pumper Engines~w~",
                    SectionRolePermissions = {   -- Used only if Enable_discord_API = true.
                    SectionVehicles = {
                        [1] = {name = "Iveco Eurocargo", modelName = "eniveco", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [2] = {name = "Mercedes Atego 2017", modelName = "enatago17", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [3] = {name = "Mercedes Atego 2021", modelName = "enatago21", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [4] = {name = "Volvo Engine", modelName = "envolvo", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [5] = {name = "Volvo Engine 2", modelName = "envolvocafs", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [6] = {name = "Volvo Engine 3", modelName = "envolvouhpl", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                [2] = {
                    SectionName = "~r~Incident Support~w~",
                    SectionRolePermissions = {   -- Used only if Enable_discord_API = true.
                    SectionVehicles = {
                        [1] = {name = "Volvo Support Unit", modelName = "suvolvo", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [2] = {name = "Scania Water Truck", modelName = "suwater", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [3] = {name = "MAN Command Unit", modelName = "sucommand", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                [3] = {
                    SectionName = "~r~Aerial Ladder Platform Engines~w~",
                    SectionRolePermissions = {   -- Used only if Enable_discord_API = true.
                    SectionVehicles = {
                        [1] = {name = "64m Ladder Truck", modelName = "alp64", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [2] = {name = "32m Ladder Truck", modelName = "firetruk", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                [4] = {
                    SectionName = "~r~Heathrow Fire & Rescue~w~",
                    SectionRolePermissions = {   -- Used only if Enable_discord_API = true.
                    SectionVehicles = {
                        [1] = {name = "Scania Domestic Appliance", modelName = "hascania", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [2] = {name = "Panther (Airport)", modelName = "hapanther", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [3] = {name = "Sprinter", modelName = "hasprinter", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [4] = {name = "Land Rover Discovery", modelName = "hadiscovery", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
        --============= AA =============--
        [6] = {
            LocationGarageName = "AA Garage",
            LocationVehicleSpawn = { -- This are the vector3 coordinates where the vehicle spawns after selecting it. Each number in front of the location belongs to the number of LocationVehicleShowcase & LocationVehicleCamPos
                [1] = {placeName = "AA Headquarters", location = vector3(860.2174, -2101.1477, 30.5433), h = 266.6393},      -- This is the vector3 coordinate where the vehicle will be spawned.
            LocationVehicleShowcase = {
                [1] = {placeName = "AA Headquarters", location = vector3(861.5154, -2122.5701, 30.5419), h = 354.6407},    -- This is the vector3 coordinate where the vehicle will be showcased & where the marker/label will be.
            LocationVehicleCamPos = {
                [1] = {placeName = "AA Headquarters", location = vector3(861.0054, -2132.0066, 36.2480)},                  -- This is the vector3 coordinate where the camera will point from towards the showcase vector3 coordinate.
            BlipData = {
                BlipSpriteID = 50,
                BlipScale = 0.5,
                BlipColourID = 5,
            MarkerData = {
                markerId = 1,   --
                markerXOffset = 0.0, markerYOffset = 0.0, markerZOffset = -0.1,
                markerScaleX = 5.0, markerScaleY = 5.0, markerScaleZ = 0.5,
                markerRotX = 0, markerRotY = 0, markerRotZ = 0,
                markerRed = 255, markerGreen = 191, markerBlue = 0, markerAlpha = 225,
            GarageRolePermissions = {   -- Used only if Enable_discord_API = true.
            GarageSections = {
                [1] = {
                    SectionName = "~y~AA Vehicles~w~",
                    SectionRolePermissions = {   -- Used only if Enable_discord_API = true.
                    SectionVehicles = {
                        [1] = {name = "MAN Flatbed Tow", modelName = "aaman", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [2] = {name = "Ford Transit", modelName = "aavan", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [3] = {name = "Vehicle Trailer", modelName = "tr2", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
        --============= National Highways =============--
        [7] = { 
            LocationGarageName = "National Highways Garage",
            LocationVehicleSpawn = {
                [1] = {placeName = "Freeway", location = vector3(1509.8635, 771.1964, 77.4434), h = 25.9161},
            LocationVehicleShowcase = {
                [1] = {placeName = "Freeway", location = vector3(1505.4309, 772.0982, 77.4438), h = 144.0549}, 
            LocationVehicleCamPos = {
                [1] = {placeName = "Freeway", location = vector3(1495.4534, 769.2499, 79.7688)},
            BlipData = {
                BlipSpriteID = 50,
                BlipScale = 0.5,
                BlipColourID = 44,
            MarkerData = {
                markerId = 1,   --
                markerXOffset = 0.0, markerYOffset = 0.0, markerZOffset = -0.1,
                markerScaleX = 5.0, markerScaleY = 5.0, markerScaleZ = 0.5,
                markerRotX = 0, markerRotY = 0, markerRotZ = 0,
                markerRed = 178, markerGreen = 34, markerBlue = 34, markerAlpha = 225,
            GarageRolePermissions = {   -- Used only if Enable_discord_API = true.
            GarageSections = {
                [1] = {
                    SectionName = "~o~National Highways Vehicles~w~",
                    SectionRolePermissions = {   -- Used only if Enable_discord_API = true.
                    SectionVehicles = {
                        [1] = {name = "Land Rover Discovery", modelName = "hedisco5", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [2] = {name = "Volvo XC60", modelName = "hevolvoxc60", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
        --============= Civilians =============--
        [8] = {
            LocationGarageName = "Civilian Garage",
            LocationVehicleSpawn = { -- This are the vector3 coordinates where the vehicle spawns after selecting it. Each number in front of the location belongs to the number of LocationVehicleShowcase & LocationVehicleCamPos
                [1] = {placeName = "Public Parking", location = vector3(424.6495, -1157.7643, 29.2920), h = 92.9282}, -- This is the vector3 coordinate where the vehicle will be spawned.
                [2] = {placeName = "Public Parking", location = vector3(408.5762, -641.3550, 28.5002), h = 92.3136},
                [3] = {placeName = "Public Parking", location = vector3(54.6020, -862.9428, 30.5995), h = 340.6026},
                [4] = {placeName = "Public Parking", location = vector3(-466.5225, -806.7872, 30.5387), h = 89.6078},
                [5] = {placeName = "Public Parking", location = vector3(-582.8873, -1126.7148, 22.1782), h = 92.0798},
                [6] = {placeName = "Public Parking", location = vector3(-785.1893, -1295.1323, 5.0004), h = 350.5890},
                [7] = {placeName = "Public Parking", location = vector3(-1048.3153, -1425.1558, 5.4254), h = 255.8305},
                [8] = {placeName = "Public Parking", location = vector3(-970.5392, -2708.0845, 13.8589), h = 6.4259},
                [9] = {placeName = "Public Parking", location = vector3(-1663.9370, -860.4070, 9.0410), h = 320.3892},
                [10] = {placeName = "Public Parking", location = vector3(-2046.7704, -467.3688, 11.6174), h = 321.0780},
                [11] = {placeName = "Public Parking", location = vector3(-3052.2041, 121.7713, 11.5884), h = 268.3560},
                [12] = {placeName = "Public Parking", location = vector3(-3137.8909, 1098.7002, 20.6579), h = 79.9001},
                [13] = {placeName = "Public Parking", location = vector3(-762.8485, 5545.4995, 33.4869), h = 178.5829},
                [14] = {placeName = "Public Parking", location = vector3(-269.8613, 6065.6118, 31.4645), h = 126.8912},
                [15] = {placeName = "Public Parking", location = vector3(195.7882, 6627.7109, 31.5687), h = 181.4460},
                [16] = {placeName = "Public Parking", location = vector3(1713.2266, 3776.2410, 34.4636), h = 213.8363},
                [17] = {placeName = "Public Parking", location = vector3(1688.9358, 4778.1860, 41.9215), h = 89.9026},
            LocationVehicleShowcase = {
                [1] = {placeName = "Public Parking", location = vector3(438.4931, -1162.9326, 29.2920), h = 358.6234}, -- This is the vector3 coordinate where the vehicle will be showcased & where the marker/label will be.
                [2] = {placeName = "Public Parking", location = vector3(396.2038, -646.9998, 28.5003), h = 272.1454},
                [3] = {placeName = "Public Parking", location = vector3(38.1341, -867.6323, 30.4875), h = 339.3421},
                [4] = {placeName = "Public Parking", location = vector3(-445.3874, -808.8077, 30.5387), h = 90.6477},
                [5] = {placeName = "Public Parking", location = vector3(-576.59, -1148.79, 22.17), h = 354.6407},
                [6] = {placeName = "Public Parking", location = vector3(-801.2224, -1295.4980, 5.0004), h = 352.6502},
                [7] = {placeName = "Public Parking", location = vector3(-1065.4985, -1444.9333, 5.4254), h = 325.0407},
                [8] = {placeName = "Public Parking", location = vector3(-953.5018, -2705.5520, 13.8310), h = 88.3019},
                [9] = {placeName = "Public Parking", location = vector3(-1639.4584, -858.1340, 9.5120), h = 140.6475},
                [10] = {placeName = "Public Parking", location = vector3(-2019.9015, -476.2107, 11.3976), h = 319.5219},
                [11] = {placeName = "Public Parking", location = vector3(-3032.5700, 131.7300, 11.6000), h = 354.6407},
                [12] = {placeName = "Public Parking", location = vector3(-3152.1700, 1090.7200, 20.7000), h = 354.6407},
                [13] = {placeName = "Public Parking", location = vector3(-772.3600, 5575.3300, 33.4800), h = 354.6407},
                [14] = {placeName = "Public Parking", location = vector3(-274.7101, 6051.4087, 31.5370), h = 316.9914},
                [15] = {placeName = "Public Parking", location = vector3(180.2753, 6623.9253, 31.7127), h = 45.1378},
                [16] = {placeName = "Public Parking", location = vector3(1711.3800, 3769.2200, 36.3400), h = 354.6407},
                [17] = {placeName = "Public Parking", location = vector3(1711.6284, 4803.8628, 41.7797), h = 354.6407},

            LocationVehicleCamPos = {
                [1] = {placeName = "Public Parking", location = vector3(438.7095, -1154.0884, 31.2420)}, -- This is the vector3 coordinate where the camera will point from towards the showcase vector3 coordinate.
                [2] = {placeName = "Public Parking", location = vector3(404.8026, -646.8423, 31.7253)},
                [3] = {placeName = "Public Parking", location = vector3(42.7435, -855.9057, 35.2125)},
                [4] = {placeName = "Public Parking", location = vector3(-456.7872, -808.8515, 34.0637)},
                [5] = {placeName = "Public Parking", location = vector3(-575.4125, -1137.0764, 25.4032)},
                [6] = {placeName = "Public Parking", location = vector3(-798.7363, -1281.2112, 8.6504)},
                [7] = {placeName = "Public Parking", location = vector3(-1058.9653, -1436.3964, 11.8754)},
                [8] = {placeName = "Public Parking", location = vector3(-965.8745, -2705.4485, 18.1310)},
                [9] = {placeName = "Public Parking", location = vector3(-1649.9799, -865.7422, 12.0870)},
                [10] = {placeName = "Public Parking", location = vector3(-2009.7041, -464.2081, 16.1226)},
                [11] = {placeName = "Public Parking", location = vector3(-3042.7502, 126.3965, 16.3330)},
                [12] = {placeName = "Public Parking", location = vector3(-3143.8276, 1087.0410, 23.2625)},
                [13] = {placeName = "Public Parking", location = vector3(-781.8461, 5575.5464, 36.1107)},
                [14] = {placeName = "Public Parking", location = vector3(-281.4581, 6045.1548, 35.5620)},
                [15] = {placeName = "Public Parking", location = vector3(184.4032, 6619.5708, 33.9123)},
                [16] = {placeName = "Public Parking", location = vector3(1721.1608, 3773.5061, 37.2210)},   
                [17] = {placeName = "Public Parking", location = vector3(1701.6079, 4803.2627, 43.9260)},               
            BlipData = {
                BlipSpriteID = 50,
                BlipScale = 0.5,
                BlipColourID = 43,
            MarkerData = {
                markerId = 1,   --
                markerXOffset = 0.0, markerYOffset = 0.0, markerZOffset = -0.1,
                markerScaleX = 5.0, markerScaleY = 5.0, markerScaleZ = 0.5,
                markerRotX = 0, markerRotY = 0, markerRotZ = 0,
                markerRed = 255, markerGreen = 191, markerBlue = 0, markerAlpha = 225,
            GarageRolePermissions = {   -- Used only if Enable_discord_API = true.
            GarageSections = {
                [1] = {
                    SectionName = "Civilian vehicles~w~",
                    SectionRolePermissions = {   -- Used only if Enable_discord_API = true.
                    SectionVehicles = {
                        [1] = {name = "Vauxhall Corsa VXR", modelName = "corsa", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [2] = {name = "Vauxhall Astra", modelName = "civ_16mk7", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [3] = {name = "Audi S4", modelName = "AudiS4", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [4] = {name = "VW Golf MK7 GTi", modelName = "GolfGTI", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [5] = {name = "Mercedes AMG45", modelName = "AMG45", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [6] = {name = "Peugeot 308", modelName = "30822", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [7] = {name = "Nissan Qashqai", modelName = "qashqai16", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [8] = {name = "Volvo V60", modelName = "Volvov60", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [9] = {name = "Toyota Yaris GR", modelName = "xp210", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [10] = {name = "Ford Focus ST", modelName = "st", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
        --============= Helicopters Emergency Services =============--
        [9] = { 
            LocationGarageName = "Emergency Helicopter Depot",
            LocationVehicleSpawn = {
                [1] = {placeName = "NPAS Base", location = vector3(-728.3249, -1417.7350, 5.0657), h = 227.5343},
                [2] = {placeName = "SS Airfield", location = vector3(1770.3564, 3239.3789, 42.1404), h = 285.4055},
                [3] = {placeName = "Paleto Bay Police station", location = vector3(-475.7588, 5988.1494, 31.3367), h = 315.8474},
                [4] = {placeName = "NPAS & HEMS BASE", location = vector3(-713.9850, -1458.8274, 5.0022), h = 51.3710},
            LocationVehicleShowcase = {
                [1] = {placeName = "NPAS Base", location = vector3(-746.9028, -1439.8594, 5.0657), h = 230.8580}, 
                [2] = {placeName = "SS Airfield", location = vector3(1770.3564, 3239.3789, 42.1404), h = 285.4055},
                [3] = {placeName = "Paleto Bay Police station", location = vector3(-475.7588, 5988.1494, 31.3367), h = 315.8474},
                [4] = {placeName = "NPAS & HEMS BASE", location = vector3(-713.9850, -1458.8274, 5.0022), h = 51.3710},
            LocationVehicleCamPos = {
                [1] = {placeName = "NPAS Base", location = vector3(-738.9335, -1446.4622, 7.9407)},
                [2] = {placeName = "SS Airfield", location = vector3(1787.1919, 3242.9019, 50.7404)},
                [3] = {placeName = "Paleto Bay Police station", location = vector3(-468.3914, 5995.9585, 36.7117)},
                [4] = {placeName = "NPAS & HEMS BASE", location = vector3(-719.1174, -1444.0027, 10.3772)},
            BlipData = {
                BlipSpriteID = 64,
                BlipScale = 0.5,
                BlipColourID = 49,
            MarkerData = {
                markerId = 1,   --
                markerXOffset = 0.0, markerYOffset = 0.0, markerZOffset = -0.1,
                markerScaleX = 5.0, markerScaleY = 5.0, markerScaleZ = 0.5,
                markerRotX = 0, markerRotY = 0, markerRotZ = 0,
                markerRed = 255, markerGreen = 34, markerBlue = 34, markerAlpha = 225,
            GarageRolePermissions = {   -- Used only if Enable_discord_API = true.
            GarageSections = {
                [1] = {
                    SectionName = "~r~Emergency Helicopters~w~",
                    SectionRolePermissions = {   -- Used only if Enable_discord_API = true.
                    SectionVehicles = {
                        [1] = {name = "NPAS Helicopter", modelName = "polmav", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [2] = {name = "HEMS Helimed", modelName = "supervolito", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [3] = {name = "HMG Coastguard", modelName = "as332", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
        --============= Boats Emergency Services =============--
        [10] = { 
            LocationGarageName = "Emergency Boat Docks",
            LocationVehicleSpawn = {
                [1] = {placeName = "Boat Docks (EMS)", location = vector3(-291.2098, -2781.0444, 1.2232), h = 268.7944},
                [2] = {placeName = "Boat Docks (EMS)", location = vector3(-795.9053, -1502.1444, 1.0001), h = 113.0354},
            LocationVehicleShowcase = {
                [1] = {placeName = "Boat Docks (EMS)", location = vector3(-291.2098, -2781.0444, 1.2232), h = 268.7944}, 
                [2] = {placeName = "Boat Docks (EMS)", location = vector3(-795.9053, -1502.1444, 1.0001), h = 113.0354},
            LocationVehicleCamPos = {
                [1] = {placeName = "Boat Docks (EMS)", location = vector3(-278.6118, -2781.3110, 7.9387)},
                [2] = {placeName = "Boat Docks (EMS)", location = vector3(-812.4378, -1508.3002, 8.5375)},
            BlipData = {
                BlipSpriteID = 404,
                BlipScale = 0.5,
                BlipColourID = 49,
            MarkerData = {
                markerId = 1,   --
                markerXOffset = 0.0, markerYOffset = 0.0, markerZOffset = -0.1,
                markerScaleX = 5.0, markerScaleY = 5.0, markerScaleZ = 0.5,
                markerRotX = 0, markerRotY = 0, markerRotZ = 0,
                markerRed = 255, markerGreen = 34, markerBlue = 34, markerAlpha = 225,
            GarageRolePermissions = {   -- Used only if Enable_discord_API = true.
            GarageSections = {
                [1] = {
                    SectionName = "~r~Emergency Boats~w~",
                    SectionRolePermissions = {   -- Used only if Enable_discord_API = true.
                    SectionVehicles = {
                        [1] = {name = "Police Boat", modelName = "speeder", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},
                        [2] = {name = "Fire & Rescue Boat", modelName = "marquis", extraIds = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, liveryId = 0},


Read through the instructions again if you have not managed to install the resource. Can’t get it to work still? Create a ticket through our dedicated support system in Discord:

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Page last modified: Jul 21 2022 at 12:40 AM.