Discord wPerms! Resource

Discord wPerms!

A guide to install Discord wPerms! for FiveM

Table of contents
  1. Installation Tutorial
  2. Purchasing the resource
  3. Downloading the resource
  4. Installing the resource
  5. Support

Installation Tutorial

Youtube! Watch this installation tutorial video:

Installation Tutorial

Purchasing the resource

Find this product at:

Base: https://store.nights-software.com/package/5336351

Downloading the resource

Download this resource via https://portal.cfx.re/assets/granted-assets after purchasing it. It can take a few minutes for the resource to appear in the CFX Portal after purchase.

Installing the resource

Note: Always make sure when you transfer files to your server you follow this order: (Otherwise you will experience parsing errors in F8 console.)

ZIP Package -> Unpack in a folder on your local machine -> Set your File Transfer Protocol (FTP) type to binary -> drag from local machine into the server resources folder -> server.cfg (ensure script) and then boot up the server.
  1. Drag the resource into your resources folder.

  2. Ensure or start this resource in your server.cfg. Example:
    ensure night_discord_wperms
  3. Configure /config/config.lua. You will notice there is explanation in green text and variables for you to edit in this configuration file.

  4. List each weapon seperately if you want multiple roles to be able to wield this particular weapon. So Pistol -> Roles. The logic is that you list the weapon and then the roles. If you have duplicate weapons in lists it might go wrong!

A functional Example:

[1] = {
    SectionName = "Firearms units", 
    PermLockedWeapons = {          -- List the weapons you wish to restrict. So: You need atleast 1 role from RequiredDiscordRoleOrGroupNames to wield the weapon in this list.
    RequiredDiscordRoleOrGroupNames = {
        -- Add more roles if you like.
[2] = {
    SectionName = "Sniper units",
    PermLockedWeapons = {
    RequiredDiscordRoleOrGroupNames = {
        -- Add more roles if you like.
[3] = {
    SectionName = "Server banned weapons",
    PermLockedWeapons = {
    RequiredDiscordRoleOrGroupNames = {
        -- None..
        -- "Manager", -- or
        -- "Senior_Admin", -- or
        -- Add more roles if you like.


Read through the instructions again if you have not managed to install the resource. Can’t get it to work still? Create a ticket through our dedicated support system in Discord:

Nights Software Discord

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Page last modified: Oct 17 2022 at 05:25 PM.