Discord wPerms!
A guide to install Discord wPerms! for FiveM
Table of contents
Installation Tutorial
Youtube! Watch this installation tutorial video:
Purchasing the resource
Find this product at:
Base: https://store.nights-software.com/package/5336351
Downloading the resource
Download this resource via https://portal.cfx.re/assets/granted-assets after purchasing it. It can take a few minutes for the resource to appear in the CFX Portal after purchase.
Installing the resource
Note: Always make sure when you transfer files to your server you follow this order: (Otherwise you will experience parsing errors in F8 console.)
ZIP Package -> Unpack in a folder on your local machine -> Set your File Transfer Protocol (FTP) type to binary -> drag from local machine into the server resources folder -> server.cfg (ensure script) and then boot up the server.
Drag the resource into your resources folder.
- Ensure or start this resource in your server.cfg. Example:
ensure night_discord_wperms
Configure /config/config.lua. You will notice there is explanation in green text and variables for you to edit in this configuration file.
- List each weapon seperately if you want multiple roles to be able to wield this particular weapon. So Pistol -> Roles. The logic is that you list the weapon and then the roles. If you have duplicate weapons in lists it might go wrong!
A functional Example:
[1] = {
SectionName = "Firearms units",
PermLockedWeapons = { -- List the weapons you wish to restrict. So: You need atleast 1 role from RequiredDiscordRoleOrGroupNames to wield the weapon in this list.
RequiredDiscordRoleOrGroupNames = {
-- Add more roles if you like.
[2] = {
SectionName = "Sniper units",
PermLockedWeapons = {
RequiredDiscordRoleOrGroupNames = {
-- Add more roles if you like.
[3] = {
SectionName = "Server banned weapons",
PermLockedWeapons = {
RequiredDiscordRoleOrGroupNames = {
-- None..
-- "Manager", -- or
-- "Senior_Admin", -- or
-- Add more roles if you like.
Read through the instructions again if you have not managed to install the resource. Can’t get it to work still? Create a ticket through our dedicated support system in Discord: